Category: Faith

4 Ways to Stay Grounded While You’re Stuck at Home

4 Ways to Stay Grounded While You’re Stuck at Home

In the last weeks, our lives as Americans (and many other countries) have been changed dramatically. With the outbreak of COVID-19 most of us are adjusting to a new normal. Here are 4 ways to help you stay grounded during these turbulent times.

Holiness is Happiness

Holiness is Happiness

Traveling with toddlers is not always easy, especially when they get sick! But God used this experience to teach an important lesson in holiness.

My Savior, A Baby

My Savior, A Baby

I had always thought that it was humbling for Jesus to become a man. He is THE King of the universe, He’s the Lord of everything, and He became a man. But I did not think much of that until I had a child of my own. He became a man, yes, but not only that, He became a little newborn.

Listening to Your Conscience

Listening to Your Conscience

We are tempted and challenged every day with multiple decisions to make. The Bible encourages us to listen to our conscience: a God-given guide to life.

October Favorites

October Favorites

October is coming to a close and I can’t believe it. Time does fly! I have really enjoyed, and benefitted from, seeing…

START — and Restart

START — and Restart

The first day of fall brings a new season, a new start. Starting over again in the Lord comes with confessing our sin.

Home, Sweet Home

Home, Sweet Home

Home, sweet home. You see it on all the cute decor, but what does it really mean? I’m beginning to understand just what it means and how we need to look forward to our forever home with our Savior, Jesus.