Category: Motherhood

Journaling to Remember

Journaling to Remember

Journaling is one of the best ways to remember what’s happened in your life. But also the best way to see how God’s faithfulness shines through.

My little copycat.

My little copycat.

Our children are watching everything we do. We need to make sure and point them to Christ as they watch.

You are not in control.

You are not in control.

As parents we often want to control everything in our life and for our children. But really, we have nothing to fear with God in control.

Losing a Little One | Miscarriage

Losing a Little One | Miscarriage

Little One,
I only knew you for ten short days. And I didn’t even know you by your heartbeat, or little kicks inside. I only knew you by the line on a pregnancy test. But God knows you…

Happy Father’s Day 2019

Happy Father’s Day 2019

Dear Herald, From the first moment we held Aletheia to today, you have been the greatest father! I cannot believe that we…

Baby Registry Check List

Baby Registry Check List

Okay, so you’ve found out you’re expecting (YAY!) and you’re ready to make a baby registry… but where do you start? There…

Mother’s Day 2019

Mother’s Day 2019

Mom, Three little letters that mean so much.  A hug when you’ve fallen. A cheer when you’ve won. A kiss when you’re crying. A smile…

Jasmine Vines

Jasmine Vines

Getting outside everyday is high on my priority list. When we don’t get out, the walls seem to close in and I…