Three little letters that mean so much.
A hug when you’ve fallen. A cheer when you’ve won. A kiss when you’re crying. A smile when you come home. A tear when you leave.
Now that I am a mother myself, I love you so much more!
I know why you cry during birth scenes of movies, they’re beautiful moments. And now I cry too.
I now know what it’s like to be up with a sick baby, not fun. But thank you for nursing me in sickness.
I know that feeling in your gut when your child falls down and you’re not sure what to do.
I know what it’s like when you’re baby starts walking and doesn’t need you to carry her anymore.
Although nursery is no comparison to halfway around the world, I am beginning to know what it’s like to be away from your child. (And I don’t know how you do it!)
I now know that instilling a heart of obedience and respect at a young age is so important.
I’ve got a long way to go and a lot more to learn. But most of all, I am learning that I have a best friend in you, mom, and I want to be the same for my daughter.
So thank you for always being there for me. For loving me and teaching me. For changing all the diapers and washing all the clothes. For teaching us to obey and honor and glorify the Lord.
Thank you for being my friend.
I love you, Mom!
Happy Mother’s Day