Going through each and every day as a mom can get monotonous. Our days can run together and we may even have a hard time knowing which day it is! Without a routine to help us navigate our days, we will surely get lost. I know that for me if I don’t have goals and some sort of organization to my week, then I VERY soon get lost and discouraged, floundering in all that needs to be done but not knowing what exactly I should do.
But this week, all that is going to change! In this post, I’ll show you why you should make your own routine and how to make one. Let’s do it!
Why Do I Need a Routine?
1. A Routine Keeps Discouragement Away
If you are a stay-at-home mom you understand that it is a lot of hard work! There is always something else to do and someone else to take care of. Feelings of overwhelm can easily sneak into our hearts and discourage us from the important job God has given us: loving our husband and child(ren) by keeping our house.
But when you implement a weekly routine, you can keep discouragement at bay because you will know exactly what needs to be done each and every day. This is not to say that discouragement still won’t come, it will. But you will be MUCH more prepared for it when you already have a routine in place. You’ll be able to take a moment out of the discouragement and see the tasks that you have for that day. Then you do not need to feel overwhelmed by the plethora of tasks that you see need to be done.
Remember that Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34. When we are worried about all that needs to be done, we are worrying about tomorrow. So let’s follow Jesus’ instruction and use our routine to get our work done today.
Not only does having a routine keep you from discouragement, it also helps when the unexpected happens.
2. A Routine Makes You Prepared for the Unexpected
Now, that may sound like an oxymoron. But, it’s true! When you have a solid routine in place, you are more prepared for whatever may come your way. Of course we do not know the future or even what tomorrow holds. But you can be ready for whatever it has by using your weekly routine.
When the unexpected happens, a family member passes away, your daughter has to change schools, your husband loses his job, your plans to move are delayed, you can still keep your home a happy place by sticking to your routine. It is especially important for your family to have a place of solace when hard things happen. That place is your home. By using your routine, you can keep it just that, a place of refuge and comfort.
So implement a routine with my tips below and make your home ready for the unexpected.
Not only will your home be a place of refuge, but you will actually get more done!
3. You Will Get More Things Done with a Routine!
When you’re stuck in that mode of not knowing what to do and feeling discouraged about all that there is to do, you need a routine! It breaks down your chores day by day and helps you know exactly what to do. Which will save you A LOT of time. All that time not knowing what to do will be put toward your to-do list and you will get things done!
Then, as you are completing tasks, you will see that with God’s grace you can get everything done in your house and make it a happy home.
4. Having a Routine is Biblical
If we go back to the creation account in the book of Genesis, we see that God created the world with order (see Genesis 1:1-2:4).
Then, after God created the universe, He rested on the 7th day. That was not by mistake. And, no, God did not actually have to rest (He’s God!). He was setting a precedent for us. God wanted us to include rest in our days and to have order to our lives. He made us to thrive with order and so having a routine will help us with that.
How Do I Make My Own Routine?
I’m so glad you asked! I have created exactly what you need to make your own weekly routine as a free digital download.
You can get it right here:
Then follow these steps:
1. Write out all your chores
Use the Mom’s Weekly Chore List to write every chore out one by one. Include every chore you can think of that needs to be done weekly. We’re only focusing on what you do every single week at this time. Because you are completing these tasks each week, you will have time to squeeze in those once-a-month or once-every-six-months tasks in the fringes of your week.
This may seem like a lot, but you need to have it all out on paper (and out of your head) so that you can cover everything.
If you forget something, don’t worry, you can add and adjust your weekly routine later.

2. Assign your chores to days of the week
Think through your week and assign certain chores for each day.
Do you usually have guests on the weekends? Plan to clean a lot on Thursday so that you are ready for company. Is Sunday a long day for you with church? Don’t plan a lot of chores for Monday. Do your children have extracurricular activities you’ll need to attend? Plan around these things as well.
Transfer the chores you wrote down on the first page to Mom’s Weekly Chore Chart. Spreading them out over the days and providing time for the activities you will do with your family.
3. Try it out!
Once you have all your chores assigned, post your Mom’s Weekly Chore Chart to the wall somewhere that you’ll see it often. (I’m putting mine above my kitchen sink.)
Then, as you go through each day, do the tasks that you’ve assigned. After a week or two, reassess and see if the list is working for you or not. You can always print it out and do it over in the future if needed. This is meant to help you stay focused on the day and get things done in your house. So, make it work for you!
I hope you’ve seen from this post my heart in putting all this together for you. We moms play such a big role in our families’ lives and we cannot take it for granted. There is so much joy in serving your family to the best of your ability and making your home a place of welcome and refuge. Honoring the Lord in this way is truly a blessing.
So, get going! Print out your sheets and fill them out! Then let me know how it goes.
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