Accountability in Bible Reading
Reading the Bible each and every day is amazing. I love being fueled by God’s Word to do what needs doing in my home and as a mother. The hardest part of that though is actually reading the Bible every day! There are many things that can help you read consistently… Bible reading plans, listening to audio Bibles, reading alongside your homeschooling with children. This year I wanted to try something a little different for my own Bible reading: ask a friend to keep me accountable. And it is making all the difference for me! Here’s what we’re doing…
1. Ask someone to help you read every day.
I simply asked one of my best mom-friends if she’d like to read the Bible together and ask each other each day if the other one has read. When she agreed she had the idea to text a one-sentence summary of what we’ve read to each other so that we know for sure the other is reading. I loved that idea!
To be honest, I was a bit nervous to ask my friend at first. It felt a little bit like I had failed since I couldn’t keep up with reading every day in my own. But that feelings were not founded in truth. It’s not failure if you don’t read your Bible every single day! There are times in life where that will simply not happen, and that’s okay. As we look back over our lifetime as Christian mothers, what we need to see is a desire to know and love God’s Word that results in reading it most of the time. Having my friend read with me has helped me immensely with this.
2. Be flexible.
We first wanted to follow a Bible reading plan that had 6 chapters to read each day. We kept up for a few days, but ultimately we decided that was too much (we both currently have nursing babies). So we changed what we wanted to read and settled on reading 2 chapters a day starting with the book of Romans.
Side note: Romans is SUCH an encouraging work. Reading it again with my friend made me want to read it over and over every month!
3. Keep your word.
Now this is where the rubber meets the road, but after you’ve asked a friend and decided what to read, we then had to read and text each other. But that is also the sweetest part of having a friend keep you accountable! It’s encouraging when I get a text that simply says, “Bible?” Cause I know she’s thinking of me and helping me to read. Then when I text her, she knows the same. I don’t know why I didn’t ask her to read with me sooner!
Especially as I have been transitioning back to ex-expat life in California, having a friend help me with Bible reading has been wonderful. And I can see how keeping a relationship like this with her will help in the future ups and downs of life with children.
This is a practical way to live out what God commands in Galatians 6:2: “Bear each other’s burdens.” I no longer feel like I’m on my own to read the Bible each day. I have someone who is helping and reminding me and I’m helping and reminding her. And that makes all the difference.
How is your Bible reading going? Consider finding a friend to help keep you accountable and read together, I’m sure it will help you as well.