Well, we’ve made it to the two week mark in England! What a blessing.
Personal Updates
I’d like to do a series of posts that just simply keep you updated about all the changes and experiences of moving to a new place. This is the first post of the series! These posts will NOT be categorized or focused on a specific topic. Rather, I will just write about whatever we are learning and experiencing as we go about this new adventure. AND, these posts will most likely have the most pictures!
Why do posts like these? Well, with all the censorship that has happened in social media lately, I want to make sure that I have a place to keep you all informed with pictures, thoughts, and new experiences. So, a lot of what I used to only post to Instagram, will be captured in these posts here on my blog. And, I also find myself using social media too much in general these days, so I want to cut back.
I’m not sure how often I’ll have time to sit down and write out a post like this, but my goal is once a month for these personal updates! I love sharing what God is doing in our lives with you all and I’m so thankful for this community to learn and grow together.
If you aren’t subscribed to my blog already, you should be! I send out a weekly email full of advice, encouragement, and theology.
Okay, here’s the first post!
We Got Outside!
Now that we’ve completed our self-isolation period (because of travel), we can go outside! Walking around our neighborhood and near the river has been wonderful. There is really a lot to see and all the houses/churches/buildings are just beautiful!
I also took an hour-long walk with Aletheia down along the river where we saw many geese, a pair of swans, and lots of houseboats. The fresh air felt so good.

We also drove around the city quite a bit to find the grocery store and go to church. As we were driving I couldn’t help but love all the little row houses, the cobblestone streets, the old churches/schools, and the stone walls. Everywhere I turned looked like something from a story book!
There were a few moments of stress in these last two weeks. When I walked into the grocery store for the first time and tried to find everything on my list I had a moment of “Ah! This is so much work!” But that is to be expected!
I remember in those last days in California that I would drive around and think it was all so easy… I knew where Whole Foods was, I knew where each item was that I needed, and I didn’t have to use my phone to get there. Now I remind myself that soon it will all feel normal here too and the first time is always hardest. I know that in a few weeks it will feel normal to go to the store here, I’ll know where things are, I’ll be able to easily convert pounds to dollars in my head, and I won’t be stressed about it.
But this moment did give me another chance to trust God in my circumstances. For trusting in a small circumstance like this, helps me to trust when the really tough times come. The Bible says to cast ALL our cares on Him for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). And, even this small care of being stressed in the grocery store should be cast on Him.
I was thankful to find the “American Specials” section of the grocery store. Although, it was filled with candies, marshmallows, and soda. All of which I would not buy or eat anyway, ha!

The weather here is SO different than California! We went from the desert to green everywhere. But, so far, I’m not complaining.
Yes, it’s been cold. One of the first items we purchased after we got here was a little space heater. It has been a life-saver. Especially when we were up at 2AM with jet-lag and our radiators were shut off (they are on timers to go off at night here). We also got a heating pad, which helps too!
But, even with the cold, it hasn’t been unbearable. I actually loved feeling the rain and the cool breeze when I walked out of the grocery store (maybe because I was sweating from all the stress inside!).
I’m so thankful for a piece of advice that I read a long time ago… it will be my reminder on cold, rainy days here.
There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.
And I have found that very true! Before moving here, I invested in plenty of sweaters, waterproof boots, and warm leggings/socks and I have been using them all! Layering up really helps. One day soon, I will share my entire wardrobe with you. Because not only is it warm, but it was really fun to put it together and I simply didn’t have time to share about that whole process before our move.
I was able to wear my sunglasses yesterday as the sun peaked out through the clouds for about an hour. So, I am glad I brought them along. (They were part of my daily outfit in Sunny SoCal!)

If you made it this far, you’re a champ. Thanks for joining us on this great adventure in England!
What else would you like to know about our move and first weeks here? Let me know in the comments and I will include it in a future post.
Thank you for your open thoughts and comments. Very refreshing these days. Are you able to walk to most places or drive? Do they have driver licenses and how is driving on the left side instead of the right? I imagine costs are higher there too?
Blessings on your adventures!
Hi! We have been able to drive most places, although there is a lot within walking distance. My husband has done all of the driving! But he does it very well. The costs here may be a bit higher than the US, but they are about the same as where we lived in LA. 🙂 Thanks for reading!