Category: Faith

Psalm 119 | Humility

Psalm 119 | Humility

Don’t get too proud when reading your Bible daily. David reminds us to be humble in Psalm 119.

My Theology Library

My Theology Library

This post contains all the resources you need to start a theology library of your own.

Meditating in the Margins of Motherhood

Meditating in the Margins of Motherhood

How can we meditate on God’s Word “day and night” as it says in Psalm 1 when we are SO busy with being mothers and homemakers? Here are 5 ways that I’m learning to meditate in the margins of motherhood. Won’t you join me?

Our Gentle and Lowly Savior | Book Review

Our Gentle and Lowly Savior | Book Review

Even though this book has sparked some controversy, our Savior is indeed Gentle and Lowly. This post covers the overall message of the book with three chapters to highlight.

The Gospel for Every Day

The Gospel for Every Day

Do Christians need the gospel every day or just when they are converted? These important truths from Scripture should be meditated on and remembered all the time! Find out how!

How to Read Lament Psalms | We Need To!

How to Read Lament Psalms | We Need To!

Reading the Psalms should be easy, right? But have you opened your Bible to Psalms and read, “How long, O Lord? Will you leave us forever?” This is a lament. Find out what makes them important and just how to read them!