Every single day we seem to start a cycle over again. We’ve finished the day before, slept through the night (hopefully), and now we’re ready to start over and begin again.
Or at least, we think we are. Instead, we are so prone to holding onto things from the days before. Hurts, mistakes we’ve made, circumstances that went wrong. At least, I know I am prone to this. The new day does not always bring a new and refreshed attitude.
But, it is not so with God. In the book of Lamentations His character shines brightly:
“The LORD’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23
Unlike my compassion, which is sometimes non-existent in the morning, God’s compassion is new every single morning. He is ready to forgive again, He’s ready to love again, He’s ready to discipline again, and He’s faithful again and again and again.
No matter how many times we fail, how much hurt we cause, how unfaithful we are to Him, His compassion will never fail and will be ready to greet us anew each morning.
So, what’s my reaction to all this? “Father, make my compassion new every morning!”
I want to have God’s new compassion to face each day. So that I’ll be able to forgive, able to love, able to discipline (my daughter). So that I won’t hold over offenses from previous days or anger from hurts in the past. Instead, I will be able to press onward for God’s glory in what He has given me to do each and every day. And in this way, I will reflect the compassion of Christ.
What about you? How do you renew each day for God’s glory? I’d love to hear your thoughts!