How to Understand Psalms 1 and 2 | God’s Word and Redemption
Find out how the first two Psalms fit into the book and into our lives. They guide our hearts to look toward future redemption when we are discouraged.
Find out how the first two Psalms fit into the book and into our lives. They guide our hearts to look toward future redemption when we are discouraged.
Hiding God’s Word in our hearts keeps us from sin and helps us throughout our days. Here are 5 steps to learn how to memorize Scripture.
Find out how studying the structure of the book of Psalms shows us how God has been faithful to His people throughout the ages and how He will be faithful to us as well.
The Trinity Teaching Bundle includes a Lesson Plan laying out step-by-step how to talk with your kids about the Trinity, a Trinity Overview, a Trinity Q&A Guide, Scripture Memory Cards with Related Verses, Trinity Definition Flashcards, and a Bible Verse Print. It also includes a free printable coloring page just for fun!
The Gospel is Good News for everyone. Jesus has died to save you from your sin. All you must do is believe.
A miscarriage is like a deep gash in your heart, it hurts. But God provides anchors for our soul in His Word that will carry us through that deep pain and suffering. He is there for us.
You are a beacon of God’s faithfulness to your child. Your mothering matters for eternity, so take heart you can help point your children back to the Lord and into a lifetime of faithfulness.
If we are to pray without ceasing, as it says in the Bible (1 Thessalonians 5:17), then we must pray the big things on our heart as well as the small.
As I sat today, rocking my two-year-old to sleep (yes, I do that), leaning my head back, hearing the rain trickle down my bedroom window, I remembered that even in the midst of all the suffering, all the pain, all the hurts in our world today, Jesus came back to life. He conquered sin and the grave. He has saved us from our hellacious eternity and brought us into His family. And I am so thankful.
Motherhood is hard, labor is hard, waiting for an adopted baby is hard. But God has given us grace in His Word and “Labor with Hope” shows us exactly the hope we need! A must-read!