Staying home all day can become boring or even depressing. But getting out of the house can be expensive depending on what you do and where you go. Sometimes it just feels easier to stay home every day with your little one. But there are many days when cabin fever sets in and you just need to get out!
I remember those first few months with my baby at home, feeling a little unsure of leaving the house but a little trapped at the same time. And, on top of that, we just adjusted to one salary so that I could stay home, which meant no extra spending money. It was easy for me to get in a rut of always going shopping or spending money while I’m out. So, I’ve had to learn to be a little more creative when it comes to getting out the house so that I don’t break the bank.
Here are 4 places you can go with your baby for free!
1. The Neighborhood
Go for a walk! Walking around the neighborhood is probably my number one way to get out of the house. It’s free, the fresh air is nice, it usually keeps the baby happy, and I get some exercise while I’m at it. I love my jogging stroller for our walks in the neighborhood. It’s super easy to push and I feel like it gives my daughter a smooth ride. But any stroller will do. Or if your baby is little, try taking them in a carrier.
As long as the weather is nice, there’s really no specific time I’d recommend going on a walk. It’s great if your baby is fussy, I think the outside air calms them down. It also may be good to walk at nap time, I know some babies love sleeping to the rhythmic motion of walking. I end up walking a lot right before dinner. Afternoon is over and I need to start preparing dinner, so it’s a great time to get a little walk in and have the baby distracted and happy for 15-20 minutes before we sit down to dinner.
2. The Library
I always loved going to the library as a child. We would go every week and I each of us kids got to pick out books that we wanted to read, Curious George was my favorite for a long time. I just discovered that my local library has a baby and preschool reading time. It’s a great little class for my daughter! The children’s librarian reads books to the kids with sign language and motions, she loves it! We always stay for a little while afterward and play with the other kids and the toys that the library has as well. This is a great activity cause you can also meet other parents or check out books while you’re there. Look online or call your local library to see if they offer a baby class. Even if they don’t, it’s still a good activity to go and do… for free!
3. The Park
You may think you’re little one is too small for the park, but even if they are under one year old, they will still enjoy being outside. Pack a blanket for them to roll around on. If they are toddling, let them have fun feeling the grass and picking up leaves or sticks. Just be careful they don’t eat them!
4. The Mall
Now, of course, you could spend a whole paycheck and more at the mall. But I think it’s possible to keep it free, practice a little self control and head to the mall and walk around. Invite a friend to tag along or make a phone call as you walk around. The mall is a great place to walk when the weather is not great. You’ll be indoors, but have plenty of room to go around.
Most malls have play areas for children where you could take a break. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the family rooms at malls close to me too, they are fully equipped with changing tables, mini potties, and nursing stalls. So make sure you ask at your local mall to see if they offer something similar. These rooms have really helped me out!
I’ve really enjoyed exploring my area by checking out these new places, all for free! So the next time you need to get out with your baby, try one and let me know!