Prayer may be the hardest Christian discipline. It is so intimate and yet, prayer can be very difficult. Even more difficult is to pray for large groups of people or events, praying big prayers.
But if we are to pray without ceasing, as it says in the Bible (1 Thessalonians 5:17), then we must pray the big things on our heart as well as the small. And lately, I’ve found a lot of big things on my heart.
All the unbelievers in the world, all the orphans without parents, all the people who are sick and dying.
But, I have also found myself questioning, “Does it really matter if I pray for all the sick people in the world? What about all the unbelievers? Do my little prayers really make a difference?” Maybe you have asked the same questions.
If so, I’m here to say confidently that, YES! Your prayers do make a difference! Here are three reasons to prove it.
1. You Are Praying to Almighty God
When you pray, you must remember who you are praying to: the God and Creator of the Universe. (Sometimes this truth alone blows my mind.)
God, who spoke the world into existence (Genesis 1), who knows every hair on your head (Luke 12:7), the only true and holy God (Isaiah 6:3). Just go and read Job chapter 38, that is the God you are praying to.
He is powerful enough to answer any prayer you may pray. He’s God! So pray big prayers to Him, pour out your heart to Him, He can do it all.
2. God Uses Our Prayers to Complete His Will
We need to pray big prayers because it is our prayers that are the means to God’s sovereign purposes.
My pastor says that “God has designed prayer as a means to accomplish His omnipotent ends… He ordains and chooses the ends, but He also encompasses us in the means.” John MacArthur.
Sure, God may accomplish His purpose if you don’t pray. But when you do, you get to be part of what God is doing. Your prayers get to be the means by which God saves someone or changes the world. James put it this way, “The prayer of a fervent and righteous man [or woman] accomplishes much.” (James 5:16).
3. The Joy that Results in Answered Prayer
Praying big prayers is hard. But it’s worth it for the joy that can be yours in answered prayer.
Again, I love the example my pastor gave: If someone is saved and you haven’t prayed for them, maybe you didn’t even know them, of course you are happy. But if you’ve prayed for them, you’ve agonized over them, you’ve pleaded with the Lord for them, then you are elated, maybe even overwhelmed with joy in the answered prayer. (You can watch the full Q&A here.)
When God does answer your big prayer, He saves that friend you’ve been pleading for, He brings peace when you’ve prayed, He provides healing and medicine for the sick when you’ve lifted them up before God, you were a part of His work and your joy will be full. (See Psalm 34).
Friends, we need to pray big prayers. And I pray that these three reasons to pray big prayers have encouraged you.
So, what are you going to pray for? Let me know in the comments.
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